Furniture design, 2018

Challenging the stationary and single purpose dining furniture that standardize our homes today. Kulting is a playful solution for the everyday seating and dining.
collaboration with:
Erik Lif
Elin Johnsson
Nils Tarukoski
How can we promote a fun and dynamic dining experience for children?
The brief was to find new seating and dining solutions for small space and urban living context. We wanted to find a way to bring the adults to the children’s level, and design a connection between dining and playing.
The main idea was to create a piece of furniture that would be easy to understand and promotes activity. Kulting is designed with children in mind, by inviting the parents to the kids' table.

Kulting is stackable in two different ways. This allows the furniture to be stowed away when not in use, which is ideal in a small space.

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